Sunday, November 06, 2005

Trudelia cristata

picture taken october 22, 2005

Trudelia cristata
(Lindl.) Senghas
Vanda cristata (Lindl.)

Acquired: Currlin, Uffenheim (Germany), august 2004
Size: near flowering size

Monopodial. Stem about 20 cm high.
Leaves 10-18cm, sharply tridented at apex.
Inflorescens grows from between the leaves. 4-6 cm long. 1-3 flowered.
Flowers 4 cm accross. Sepals and petals 3 cm, curved inward. Outside apple-green, inside a bit more yellowish. Lip 3 cm, threelobed. Side lobes upright towards column. Mid-lobe curved outward ending in two 'horns'. Ouside of lip yellowish green, inside is creme with red-brown stripes. Base of the lip deep velvetly red-brown.