Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Maxillaria chrysantha

picture taken february 11th, 2007

Maxillaria chrysantha Rodr. 1871
syn: Maxillaria serotina, Maxillaria macrobulbosa (Barb.)

Acquired: De Wilg, Nieuwerkerk aan de IJssel, april 1998
Size: flowering size

Sympodial. Plant about 20 cm high.
Bulb ovoid with strong vertical ribs, 3-4 cm, closely set together. Two leaves at apex, 15-25 cm long, strap like.
Few (up to three?) single flowered infloresences per bulb. 8-10 cm long.
Flowers 3 cm accross. Sepals and petals 3 cm, curved inward. Outside soft yellow, inside pale yellow. Lip 3 cm, whitish with red striping inside. Column 18mm, dark red.

Other pictures:

  • 2007 flowering: january 29th - march 1st

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